Kamis, 20 September 2012

Keunggulan Sepeda motor bebek injeksi kencang dan irit jupiter z1 baru

Keunggulan Sepeda motor bebek injeksi kencang dan irit jupiter z1 baru terletak pada design Striping atau design grafis motor all new jupiter z1 dimana tampilan sebuah design sepeda motor ikut memegang peranan penting dalam menarik minat konsumen.

Yamaha selalu didepan memang penuh dengan kejutan dan memperhatikan betul hal secara mendetail dan memilih grafis-grafis unik nan indah yang menghiasi “body” motor.

Untuk motor bebek injeksi pertama Yamaha, All New Jupiter Z1 atau seperti taglinenya yaitu sepeda motor bebek injeksi kencang dan irit jupiter z1 , benar-benar fantastis baik itu mesin, teknologi serta striping dan warna barunya. Grafisnya bertemakan gold metal dragon heart (nagaemas dari emas yang tengah mencakar). Nagaemas metal ini diibaratkan seperti naga robot yg dihidupkan oleh teknologi FI nan canggih dan futuristik. Yamaha mengambil elemen material metal untuk memperkuat kesan canggih serrta modern. Grafis unik All New Jupiter Z1 disematkanpada cover side dan leg shield. Desain pada
tubuh All New Jupiter Z1 bertambahmenarikdengantulisan Fuel Injection pada leg shield kanandankiri. Lalu di dekat front panel adastiker All New Jupiter Z1.

Sepeda motor bebek injeksi kencang dan irit jupiter z1
Sepeda motor bebek injeksi kencang dan irit jupiter z1

Dalam soal Warna Yamaha membuat penyegaran pada penampilan All New Jupiter Z1, tepat buat konsumen. Hero bike warna putih dibuat beda sendiri dengan tiga warna, dasarnya putih dikombinasikan dengan merah dan hitam. Warna merah ditempatkan pada center backbone, ini pertama kalinya warna merah ada di bagian itu untuk motor bebek di Indonesia. Merah menggambarkan kecanggihan Fuel Injection.

Warna putih kombinasi merah dan hitam hanya buat sepeda motor bebek injeksi kencang dan irit jupiter z1 CW (Cast Wheel). Varian velg racingitu tersedia juga empat warna lainnya, biru kombinasi warna hitam, hitam dengan hitam, hijau hitam dan merah hitam. Untuk empat warna itu bagian centre backbone nya berwarna hitam.

Fiturnya pun makin kaya dan bergaya dengan pinstripe berwarna merah buat Jupiter Z1 CW warna merah, hitam dan putih. Sedangkan All Jupiter Z1 CW warna biru dan hijau pinstripe nya dipilih berwarna putih. Yamaha juga menyediakan Jupiter Z1 Spoke Wheel (velg jari-jari) warna hitam kombinasi hitam dan warna merah kombinasi hitam.

Itulah sebagian dari keunggulan dari Sepeda motor bebek injeksi kencang dan irit jupiter z1 baru semoga bermanfaat buat menjadi alternatif pilihan dalam mempertimbangkan saat membeli sepeda motor

Jumat, 07 September 2012

laku.com belanja online grosir eceran murah dan aman

laku.com belanja online grosir eceran murah dan aman @ http://r1mylove.blogspot.com/2012/08/lakucom-belanja-online-grosir-eceran.html

laku.com belanja online grosir eceran murah dan aman
wah berita mudik tahun 2012 ini sangat ramai yach untuk tahun ini saya tidak bisa mudik karena kesibukkan dikantor, melihat arus mudik sangat luar biasa memang semangat lebaran di indonesia ini sangat luar biasa, wah jadi ngelantur yach padahal saya ini menulis tentang update blog baru yaitu iklan internet murah efektif berkualitas indonesia dari sitti solusi pasang iklan murah lewat internet dikunjungi yach sob

laku.com belanja online grosir eceran murah dan aman

laku.com belanja online grosir eceran murah dan aman

Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

iklan internet murah efektif berkualitas indonesia

iklan internet murah efektif berkualitas indonesia
In fact, many sites offer their services iklan internet murah efektif berkualitas indonesia as an intermediary to advertise in local and foreign sites, but in fact may not be compatible with the products that we target the right advertising.

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• System PPC (pay-per-click) to create some advantages for advertisers, because we do not only pay when someone clicks on an ad, click on the ads, as long as there is no cost or for free.
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Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

Motor matic injeksi irit harga murah - Yamaha Sport 250cc

Motor matic injeksi irit harga murah - Yamaha Sport 250cc

Motor matic injeksi irit harga murah - Yamaha Sport 250cc
Motor matic injeksi irit harga murah Yamaha reportedly is planning to develop sports motorcycle with 250cc engines. However, this model will be addressed for the first two-wheeler market of India.
If the correct play in the sports segment Yamaha 250cc engine, would be a big surprise. Yamaha duo will challenge the Honda CBR250R and Kawasaki Ninja 250R, which is comfortable playing in the segment of 250cc four-stroke.

In India alone the market, Yamaha has a mainstay in the sport class of 150. Yamaha R15 variants. This variant is a mainstay of the tuning fork bearing manufacturer in the Land of Hindustan. Only, Yamaha R15 has not been expanding into other markets.

For variant 250, Yamaha launch Yamaha YZF-R250 variant. R250 manufactured in Asia, with a target market motorcycle Asia and India.

Likewise, Honda CBR250 and Ninja 250R, YZF-R250 variant was also intended for middle to upper segments of the consumer, the consumer most of the United States, Australia and some European countries.

As reported by Visordown, Friday (07/27/2012). Motor matic injeksi irit harga murah Yamaha R250 will use the design of new models, with a technology that uses liquid cooling system.

Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

Motor matic injeksi irit harga murah

motor matic injeksi irit harga murah
motor matic injeksi irit harga murah Yamaha Indonesia continues to demonstrate its commitment to market the injection tech models. This time, PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YIMM) ready to launch a new generation of Jupiter Z 1 in Jakarta, early next week.

One indication, Yamaha Indonesia has issued a teaser on the official website with the words, "New Engine, Fuel Injection, Performance More Powerful". But this alone is not enough, KompasOtomotif managed to obtain additional data from sources within the company are quite valid.

Of the ad, Yamaha ensures this new Jupiter system equipped with injection, but not YMJET-FI available at J and Soul Mio scooter GT. Mean a new engine here because it uses a forged piston but the cylinder head is not Diasil (Silicon Aluminum Die). This decision was taken to maintain the achievements of Jupiter if Z is known as a champion of national and ASEAN level.

Thus, modifications can still do the maximum, and able to retain the title in the sport duck race. According to the sources, Jupiter is not only experiencing change in the innards, but also appearance. "Just start from front to back, (design) are all changed. More sporty suit craze of young people," beber source.

Furthermore, from the words "The Powerful Performance!" Yamaha promises more power but more economical fuel consumption. Technology makes the intake gas injection nebulization is sprayed into the combustion chamber so that greater precision is not wasteful because as needed. "Strength is increased by 15-20 per cent of the older," explained the source.

Hence, the name Yamaha Jupiter Z1 to distinguish this duck is tech injection. Tag of the problem, yet there is a round number, but certainly there will be an increase of older models of Rp 14.95 million. Means going to play in the range of Rp 15 million - 15.5 million (on the road) Jakarta. Agree?! it's great news not iklan